Nice illustration. It shows the folly of living ones life around
a date that never comes.
Sour Grapes
i was still a kid and living at home at the time, and so that must have been well over 30 years ago, that i heard ron drage (now a senior member of the uk bethel) say "if you are waiting at the bus stop it, is better to be 10 minutes early rather than miss it".
what he was referring to of course was the then then 1975 issue; in other words armageddon has arrived yet but it just round the corner and we are a little early for it.. i don't know what brought this to my mind the other day but i got to thinking, surely if you are waiting for a bus and you get there 10 minutes early and it doesn't then turn up, how long do you wait?
10 minutes, 15 minutes, half an hour, an hour, two hours?
Nice illustration. It shows the folly of living ones life around
a date that never comes.
Sour Grapes
i hate turning in time, even though it's phantom.
do you think they phase this out soon???
especially now that they spend so much time doctoring up the stats to make them look good.. anybody out there with some inside info?.
The Witchtower Babbel and Trick Society will always want the pubs
to turn in their time. If turning time in was not a requirement there
would be a tremendous drop in the door to door work. All that I
hear at the KH is "I am low in hours", or "I have to get my time up",
or "how much time should we count for yesterday".
Sour Grapes
i'm starting to sense a certain desperation among jws, that they feel that the great tribulation must start soon.
i think this is due, in many cases, to their own personal situation, financial or otherwise.. if the gt doesn't come soon, and these guys really start to suffer - what then?
the watchtower's promises that "jehovah would not forsake them if they put kingdom interests first" by skipping or dropping out of college, turning down promotions, "simplifying" their lives by selling their homes and moving to the hinterlands...will all prove to be meaningless.. if the gt doesn't come soon, and "jehovah" doesn't bail them out...then what?.
This is really a good topic because I like so many here have been impacted
by the lies of the Witchtower Babel and Trick Society. Recently I was
visiting with some of my "in the Truth" family and they are struggling
with economic conditions. One of them said that things are so bad now that
the end has just got to be near. I told him that things were alot worse during the
Great Depression and WWII. He just gave me a weird look.
Sour Grapes
as a kid, i used to read all the watchtowers of the 40s and 50s to see how the present day information developed from its original "thought".
i was exposed to many eye opening statements but i swept them under the carpet (although it stayed in the recesses of my brain) until the time was right.. so for me, it was a gradual thing.. how were you affected by your first encounters with "apostate" material?
I learned the truth about the truth from a Bethel elder who caught
caught up in the mess when Franz was getting booted out.
I for some reason I was not disappointed or upset , it just added to my
existing doubts.
Sour Grapes
just thought this article was interesting in view of what has been said in the last couple of years on the forum about the declining number of elders and servants and those reaching out.
add to that the large percentage of young teenage boys who leave 'the truth'.
i can't ever remember this much space in a km being devoted to converting men.. para 2 states: "when a family head accepts the truth, he often influences others in the family to join him in pure worship".
At the Hall that I go to there are several mature Brothers who give
good talks, good comments, and one is even a pioneer and they are not
even ministerial servants. They just don't want the work and extra
Sour Grapes
millions now living will never die!
(i sure heard this a lot over the years).....what a mindfluck!
!...i was spoonfed this from the birth, but you must feel really stoopid if bought into this as an adult and joined this outfit.....(let me know, cause i would feel stoopid and feel stoopid for not walking in 1995 when they decided the the generation of 1914 was not a real generation)....notice they continue this mindfluck teaching even after 1995....oompa.
It it the teaching that we may never have to die that makes all good JW's not
enjoy the only life that they have right now and spend useless hours sitting at
the KH's to hear the same thing that was said 30 years ago and studying the
same information and knocking on the same doors each week.
When you realize that you are going to die it helps you appreciate that we
need to accept every day of life as a gift because that is all that we have.
Sour Grapes
hello everyone.... honestly i dont know how to start my first post.
i have been an avid reader of jwd for some time now, and now have decided to say hello.
i was raised as a witness, and have been baptized for 17 years.
Welcome to the group.
Sour Grapes
raising children in the jw cult is child abuse because the jw cult is the most dangerous organization on earth.
the jw cult is totally satanic.
anybody who is a jw is insane and psychotic and incapable of logical and analytical thinking.
I would say that what I went thru as a child was minor child abuse because
of being denied the holidays, not getting to know my worldly aunts, uncles and
cousins and being made fun of in school for being a JW. I would not say that
JW's are Satanic. Basically they are bunch of good people in a cult.
Sour Grapes
Fading and undercover.
Sour Grapes